
The reason I’m starting this blog, in short, is that I miss writing long copy.

I work as a copywriter at an ad agency, and as a writer for a brand I use that brand’s voice and often times I write short copy — a lot of social posts.

My background is magazine journalism, therefore I am used to writing in a voice all my own, in a longer form and I enjoy doing it like that.

But truthfully, I’m just happy to have a job as a creative. That’s what they call us in the ad world, creatives. I must admit I do love it. Lots of around the head headbands and cut-off tanks. We really are the coolest. (Still waiting/wanting/needing to bust out some overalls. That’d really make me the coolest.)

So here we are. I fancy myself a blogger. But not for the first time. I took many classes at MU that required a blog post each week.

As with anything though, when it’s required it takes the fun right out of it. But being freshly graduated, nothing is required anymore (other than making it to work five days a week).

Here’s to a fresh start in the blogosphere. All words, thoughts, essays, etc. are my own.