“Is this real life?”
I couldn't tell you how many times I heard that this postseason.
It was real life, and it was worth the 29 years. Ask anyone.
The question was asked continuously, and I think we all understand the reason.
The 2014 Royals baseball team seemed to be something that’s made up for an underdog movie, played on the big screen and acclaimed at the Academy Awards.
It was something so wonderful it could only have happened in Hollywood, right?
Wrong. It happened in the middle of the country in a place called Kansas City, Missouri.
It was real.
I want to thank the KC Royals for showing me what a real underdog drive looks like.
I’m used to rooting for the unfavored team, but I’m not used to getting an extra 15 games in the postseason.
For that, I thank you, Royals.
Thank you for giving Kansas City something to believe in.
Thank you for bringing baseball back to a city that needed it.
Thank you for showing us what speed do.
Mostly though, thank you for showing so many of us our first postseason.
To kids, you’re an inspiration. To baseball, you’re a story to be told. To the fans, a forever memory.
So for those of you asking if this is real life. The answer is yes.
Is it 1985?
No, it’s 2014 and this city is damn proud.